Saturday, November 27, 2010

Eat this Lucky Joe!

Lucky Joe has put up his dukes, and this is war. He may not know this but I do. So for my attack at him here are some photos.

First photo is the Orcs with there all time enemy the Praetorian guard.
(I have to work on laser bolts)
Minis are:
British Colonial (Zulu war) from Old Glory 15s.
Orcs from 15mm UK.

Now let see Joe pull these units out of his hat. Here are Two of my Orc Dreadnoughts attacking the line.
(GW Epic gargants)

There you have it Joe, the fight is on.



Luckyjoe said...

Whoa, dis iz gonna be hard to top! But the gauntlet has been dropped and while you're bending over to pick it up.. Kapaow!

On a serious note, beautiful job on the Praetorian Guard! I've been waiting for more of these, and you didn't disappoint. The Shia Khan are also oustanding and you've got my fingers itching to paint some up. Especially now I see how it's done. :)

Button bases are great, really give a finished look to the minis.

So, in summation, as regards this war, like we used to say in the NAV, "Stand by to stand by."

Omer Golan-Joel said...

The dreadnoughts are VERY cool, and look well in 15mm - very well done! :D

Wes said...

Thanks guys, I am having fun with both armies, at this time. Some day they will be completed, and I will play the big battle out.
