Monday, August 6, 2012

Noel's Log 8-06-2012

Noel's Log ends..................

Well I gave it a try! I released 10 Noel's logs in all, but I did not get much in the way of feed back. I think in total I had 4 comments posted, so I have no way to know if readers like or dislike my posts. I know people are viewing the Blog as last week I had days over 200 hits in one day, with that number of hit, and no comments I can only assume people just want like photos. Writing dose not come easily to me so I will step back from that and just post the meat.

So Noel's log goes away, and I will still share my work through photos..........

It was my birth day this week, and I got minis. My wife and kids got me more BRF dwarfs, and two olaphants. I started to put the later together this weekend but I still need primer to paint stuff. Photos to come.

Also got my three armies up in Universal Battle, so I can have a battle any time I want with out setting up a table.

Thanks for checking in, and come back as I will be going back to random posting rather then weekly posting.



Unknown said...

I understand what you are talking about I have had 3 or 4 comments on my blog in about 3 weeks. Part of the problem is up until I started my blog & opened a Gmail account I was unable to post comment I had tried. I really like your sci fi posts so keep on doing what makes you happy. I only look at the 15mm Sci Fi because that is all I play at this time.

Tim Vidlak

Wes said...

Thanks Tim,
I am sorry but I have a love for both SciFi and fantasy. I will go through fazes and switch between both. I ran two blogs and that got to be to much so I combined them here.

Once more thanks, and I have added your b;log to my reader list.

Lead Addict said...

Keep posting. I learned that even without people posting, they are reading and looking. So your unique voice is getting out there. And really aren't all gaming blogs just "look at my cool stuff, I do this too". Kinda a big wargame club without the meetings and the gaming. ;) keep it up if you enjoy it. I finally realized that whether 1 person or 20 were reading it, it was as much for me to have a voice as anything.

Wes said...

Thanks Lead,
I do plan on posting again just not in that style. I have had a number of family events that have kept me from my hobby, and blog. I hope to return to the blog soon, and this time my focus will be back on the Orcs.

Thank you,

Chris said...

I rarely get any feedback on my blog. Doesn't bother me at all.

Don't give up, I enjoy your work.

Wes said...

Thanks Chris,
You are right, I just wanted to know if people were reading what I was writing, and if not I would just go back to simple posts.