Saturday, February 20, 2010

My Gorkamorka Trukk

I know this Blog is for 15mm, but I am all over the place. I have left 28mm for 15mm, but there are a few games I still play. Gorkamorka is one of my fav game of all times.

I found photos of a kit bashed buggy on the net and wanted to make it. I was working from the photos and well screwed up my measurements. Here are the buggy photos.
Note: To the guy who made this buggy great job Dude!!!!! But sorry I will copy this buggy!!!!

So here is my Trukk, in a working state not finished. I know the photos are not great as to the primer but I have to share this now!!!! I have made this hole thing out of sheet plastic, and left over bits. I looked at the buggy photos and tried to guess at the size. I was going to try and make plans of this but tossed them when I saw I went wrong. Well any way here are the photos. Please post your questions in the comments section and I will reply here on the blog.

From trukk

From trukk

From trukk

From trukk

From trukk

Thanks for looking.
