Noel's Log ends..................
Well I gave it a try! I released 10 Noel's logs in all, but I did not get much in the way of feed back. I think in total I had 4 comments posted, so I have no way to know if readers like or dislike my posts. I know people are viewing the Blog as last week I had days over 200 hits in one day, with that number of hit, and no comments I can only assume people just want like photos. Writing dose not come easily to me so I will step back from that and just post the meat.
So Noel's log goes away, and I will still share my work through photos..........
It was my birth day this week, and I got minis. My wife and kids got me more BRF dwarfs, and two olaphants. I started to put the later together this weekend but I still need primer to paint stuff. Photos to come.
Also got my three armies up in Universal Battle, so I can have a battle any time I want with out setting up a table.
Thanks for checking in, and come back as I will be going back to random posting rather then weekly posting.