Sunday, March 25, 2012

GorkaMorka Motor Pool.

Well I have taken a break from life and decided to put up some photos of my works. By break I m not playing with my Tablet, working on my new home theater project, not working on soccer stuff, and the honey do list.

My posts are all GorkaMorka models and yes they are 28mm. I have been using the dip on them, and love how they come out I just need to get some dull coat to knock down the shine.

My current motor pool. I have two old school battle wagons.
Rokket buggy WIP
Trukk needs dull coat
Trukk pre dip
Two buggies with dip need dull coat
All three of my buggies 
My kit bashed bikes, they need dull the most of all


Monday, March 12, 2012

No new Posts from March.

Well, it has been a slow post last few weeks for me, and if you have been following me with will be able to see I go through cycles. I can post every day for a month or nothing for weeks. Well I am in a post dry spell once more. Its not that I do not have content, I have lots of that, its just life getting in the way of my Blog.

From my last posts you can see I have had the the bug for Gorkamorka, and been collecting minis from eBay. Well in my spare time I have been painting them up, and doing a bit of converting. I have also gotten a new toy form my self. I picked up a Tablet to play with. No it is not an apple iPad!!!!! The only way I will own an apple product if I am given one.

I picked up the ASUS Transformer (not the prim), and it is running Android 4.03 ICS. I love this thing!!! I also got the keyboard dock for it to make it a full Transformer. So lots of my free time have been spent playing with it. Next is getting close to Spring, and the Wife and I have decided to get some work done on the house. By Get I mean I will be doing the work.

We had a dump or should I call it the mud room, and the laundry room that were as if some one threw a grenade  in them. Holes in the walls, dark and dingy. I did a expansion to the laundry last year so the washer, and dryer would fit with the furnace. But the wife wanted to use it with it being finished. Now she has changed her mind, and put me to work. I agreed with her on this one, as I hated to go into these rooms for any reason. and the kids were scared to go in. See they were good places for monsters to hide.

Well now they have a new coat of paint, better lights, and the window is not blocked off, I just frosted the glass to let light in and keep from seeing in.

Oh and soccer starts soon for my the kids. As I am a coach, I have to work on the roster, and get ready for that and the end of the month. Coaching first graders is like wrangling cats!!!

So I hope to get some photos this week of my work both home and Orks.

Keep your eyes open for an update.
