Monday, December 27, 2010

Life after Xmass!

I have to say I have had another great xmass this year. Not what I got but time spent with the family. I got nothing for TTGs...... I did how ever get what I needed, like some shirts, slippers, a watch, and a new router. I also got new tires for the car yesterday, and just in time for the big snow storm in New Jersey. I was hoping that my order from 15mm uk was under my tree but no luck. I thought I ordered it well before the freeze up in Scotland hit, but I guess not. Well I hope to see it in the next few days.

I do hope every one got what they wanted and had a great xmass as I did.

I will be putting a project list together for next year, and i hope to get some real work done, with my armies and start on some terrain. I would also like to get a game or two in, at my local store.


Thursday, December 16, 2010

Praetorian Mortar team!

Well I have two photos of my converted mortar team. I still have to flock the bases, but I am a bit strapped for time with the holidays in full swing.

I simply took the little drummer boy, and cut the drum off. Then with a plastic tube from a ball point pen and a bent paper clip I have Mcgivered a mortar team. I may add a third guy, and an ammo box on the base, but this is a good start.

Back at you Lucky Joe!!!!!


PS I should change the back drop to my light box.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

USE ME Fantasy rules on order.

I have just ordered the new Fantasy rules form 15mm uk called USE ME Fantasy. Why am I posting that here? Well I have also ordered 10 new minis from them.

These guys will go nicely with my Praetorian guard army, as a special force unit, or some thing like that.
I have all ways loved them, as they reminded me of the Warzone trenchers I loved sooo much.


Friday, December 10, 2010

What I have been doing.

Well I have been quite busy since my fight with Lucky Joe has started, please do not think for a moment I have backed down. See I have had my hands full with other life issues. I know its sounds like a co- out, but I really have been busy with other things.

First project is my son's room. We promised him a Pirate room, and I have been hard at work with that. I have made a sail complete with skull and cross bones for his curtains. Painted, wallpapered, applied a border, planked his room door, and placed a gate latch rather than a door knob. We still need a few odds and ends to finish up.

Yes that is a skull in the upper left corner.

I have stained the door a dark oak, and beat the crap out of it, to give it that old look.

Then there was turkey day. Boy did I stuff my self. It was a small affair this year, as some of the family, could not be there, such as my brother inlaw, and long time friend who is fitting for his life. See we married sisters. Keep Strong John "kwyjibo" Hughes.

Then the my back went out on me. I could not even sit in my chair to paint for more than a few minutes. So that took a week and a half to get better. Now it is in to the Xmass time of year, and I have been busy getting the house set up with lights and decorations.

And this is my little snotlings, with the HoHo guy.

This weekend is out as I am off to NYC to see the big tree with the wife, kids, sister inlaw, and nice. Then Narnia on Sunday with me Boy, and Xmass shopping.

So Lucky Joy, you post your little photos of Orkiss, and electrical box buildings, because you are doing a great job with your stuff.

I ask for a for a parlay till the new year when I can attack in full force.

To All, A Merry Christmas, (insert your holiday if other than Christmas), and a happy new year.
