Wednesday, February 2, 2011

SBH game today with my daughter

******Cross post from my Fantasy Blog******
Well we had an ICE day here in the New Jersey, so I wanted to play wit the new dice tower. My little girl and I play a small SBH game. It was vikings VS ratmen. We only got to turn 3 before we had to stop but it was fun.

I broke out my terrain and setup the table. I was the rats, and she was the vikings.
These two photos are the setup. I was on the more open side, but that was OK she needed the advantage. She needs to learn about tactics, as she lumped all he men in to a pile behind the center wall section. I tried to point ok she should run her bow men to the high ground. That did not work. I split my group in to three groups. I had slingers, and a rat warrior on the left. Boss and 3 rats in the middle, and 4 rat n the right. 

My girl got the first go, and moved behind the wall on the left of the photo. While I opted to go right, with the group move action. I have never used it and it worked out great. We both went for the bridge.

At the end of turn three she had taken out 2 of my rats, and I failed every attack roll. Over all we had fun. The die tower worked great. SBH is a very kid friendly system.



Luckyjoe said...

Sounds like a fun game. Even better when you can play with one of your kids. And I agree about SBH being a good game for kids. Isn't it amazing how good kids roll? I oughta take my 11 year old to Vegas :). Great article, keep them coming.

Wes said...

I have to say that I should never ever play a game with dice, if I need a 2 I will ONLY roll 1s. But yes my kids roll like crazy. I was hopping the die tower would keep it all even. WRONG!!!!
Any way thanks.

Omer Golan-Joel said...

Sounds and looks very, very fun!

And is SBH a simple system, on a comparable level to USE ME? Is it fitting for 15mm miniatures? If so, I might give it a try.

Wes said...

Good question. I am going to say this about the two systems, and that is they do not compare with each other. Now I love both systems, but each has there niche in the gaming world. SBH in my replacement for Mordheim, and works in all scales. It dose require the extra rule books but is still great.
USE ME is for a more scaled up battle. Now I have the USE ME fantasy, but not sure if I will invest much in to it, with all my 15mm base for another system.
But over all if it was not for this it would be my mass fantasy rules. Then there is USE ME SciFi and holy crap this is my new game.

I hope this helps you out.

Omer Golan-Joel said...

Thanks for the info!