Sunday? Well that was Father's day and my wife and kids gave me a great day. My wife asked me at the end of the day if I had fun and I told her I did. I also told her she kept me from my minis but I did not miss it. Oh as a fat guy one would think I have had brisket but no I have never till yesterday. We had dinner at an award winning Texas BBQ joint. It was very good!!!!! My son eat all most half of my meal as he loved it as well.
On to the minis I did take time Saturday to work on minis. I was able to base some of my painted Dwarfs, and finish some bases of others I had not gotten to in some time. Here are some photos of what I based. I did not take photos of all I worked on as I took the photos before going to work today. I also worked on a Demon, and a greater demon both for my lizard man army.
First 4 photos are Black Raven Foundry, from Old Glory 15s.
Next two are from Mirliton Dwarfs.
Next three are Rank & File from Old Glory 15s
I am currently reading books from Elizabeth Moon. Sheepfarmer's Daughter and Divided Allegiance both of these books are great. The first is about a girl who run away from home and joins and army. The next is about the same girl after she leaves the army and starts out on her own. The first book plays to my mass combat side of gaming, ware the later plays to my D&D side. Both are great. I will be picking up the 3 book in the series, but not before I go back to the John Carter of mars books.
Movies: I just saw the movie John Carter, and I do not care what people have said I loved it! I think that Disney made a big mistake by releasing this when they did. This should have been a summer movie. More me the one draw back was the actor who played John Carter was not good in this role. The rest of the movie was great from the beginning to the end. This is a must own for me, and I do not buy movies much.
Well that is it for me.
May the Die fall in your favor.