Sunday, March 30, 2014

Orc Commandos painted WIP.

The Commandos, how should I pant them up, what should they look like, well here is one way I thought they should look. I have created a progress photo stream of my work on 4 of my Orc Commandos today.

Start with some GZG mercs, and a few paints. I used Green, Antique white, sable brown, Black, red, yellow, white, silver (metallic), Polyshades dip, Testers dull coat.

With the two colours below I mixed up most of the uniform, gun, armour, and boots.

Bellow are the Orcs ready for dip, and I have brushed it on.

Once the dip is dry, I sprayed with dull coat, and hit some detail work.

Only thing left is to finish up the bases. Then put them to work.

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