Jet Pack 10Pts.
Range Up to 18 inches. This is a straight line vehicle, not turns can be made. When the model decides to fire the rocket he draws a line to the location he want to land at. Then roll a D6.
D6 roll, Result
1, Falure, roll another D6 for the distance. Once at the distance the rocket explodes. The jumper takes a +3 penetrating hit. Place a 2" template on this mini, any unit touching it takes a +2 penetrating hit.
2, Move 14"
3, Move 15"
4, Move 16"
5, Move 17"
6, Move 18"
Every time the model fires the rocket it changes the critical hit roll to the number of time is has fired. Second firing, on a 1 or 2 roll for the crit. Third firing 1, 2, or 3 roll for crit.
On a roll of 1, then 1 the model explodes on the spot, they started on. Place a 3" template and all touching take a +3 penetrating hit.
If the user does not fire the pack they can move 4", and still make a second move for another 2" a total of 6" per turn.
Now I have worked up the rule, I decided to test this new rule out.
To do this I set up a small skirmish with a Guard squad and an Orc squad with rocket packs. I am using Universal battle for my table top.
Deployment. As you can see both side are deployed some distance apart.
Guard T1: As the guard does not have the range weapons they sit tight.
Orc T1: the Orcs opt to run for there first move and the squad moves up the allowed 6".
Guard T2: Now the boys are with in long range, and the gurad fires off 4 shots, and get 2 hits. One Orc is Struck. The guard now fire a second time at a -1 for second shot. They score 2 more hits, killing the Orc that was struck, and winging another.
Orc T2: Now it is time to fire the rockets. Mug Thug makes the first jump and there is no issues. The second jumper goes with no issues. The third jumper hits the trigger and and is launched 15" to his death. His body lands and also tries to take out Mug Thug and another. Lucky no one else was hurt this time. The 5th boy also jumped but popped, this time the template was placed on 4 boys. Two took wounds, 1 S, 1 W.
The 7th jumper landed in the woods, and BOOM. This time the template went on a guardsman as well, but the Orc was the only one hurt or Dead. Now that they all made the jumps, it was time to shoot. The ended up shooting up 2 guardsman, and only wounding them.So to sum it up I think the rules for the Rocket Pack will work, and add a Orcy level to the game. This weapon it not all that bad if you land in the mix of the enemy and get a good DOOM. Now POPPING before you take off well that is also very Orcy.